[.SI] Domains ::: 45. Requirements for DNS domain name delegation.

Basic technical requirements:


  • For each domain name there must be one primary and at least one secondary server. We recommend that at least one secondary server be located at a different site.
  • Domain name data must include an SOA (Start of Authority) record. The data on the domain server in the SOA must be the name of the primary server. The serial number and the time intervals must conform to general Internet recommendations.
  • Under Internet standards on electronic mail, the address postmaster@domain.si must be operational, so that MX records for the domain must be defined.
  • NS records must refer to operating DNS servers. All domain data on all servers must match.
  • Nameservers for a specific domain name listed in the registry (Arnes) must match actual records on the authoritative nameservers for the particular domain name.

Recommended values for SOA records:

Refresh 8 hours (28800 seconds)
Retry 2 hours (7200 seconds)
Expire 7 days (604800 seconds)
Time To Live 1 day (86400 seconds)
  • 0 Uživatelům pomohlo
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Související články

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[.SI] Domains ::: 03. What is the registration period for .si domain names?

Domain names can be registered or renewed for one, two, three, four or five years. 

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[.SI] Domains ::: 08. How can we make sure a domain we want to register isn't already taken?

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