DNS Management ::: 05. What is AAAA Record?

The IPv6 Address Record is the next-generation protocol for packet-switched internetworks and the Internet. IPv4 Address Record is currently the dominant Internet Protocol version. The most important feature of IPv6 Address Record is a much larger address space than that of IPv4 Address Record. Addresses in IPv6 Address Record are 128 bits long while those in IPv4 Address Records are 32 bits long.

IMPORTANT: When you host your domain name with a Web Hosting Service Provider, you will be provided with either an IPv4 Address or an IPv6 Address and it needs to be set as an A Record or an AAAA Record respectively, for that particular domain name.

There you would find 3 fields:

  • Host Name: Here the domain name, for which you are adding the AAAA Record for, would be pre-filled (e.g. yourdomainname.com). Now, if you wish to add an AAAA Record for my.yourdomainname.com, then you would have to put in my the text box. If you wish to add AAAA Record for just yourdomainname.com, then you can leave this box blank.
  • Destination IPv6 Address: Here you would have to enter the IPv6 IP Address of the Web Server, where you wish to host this domain name.
  • TTL: This is the Time To Live for this Record, in seconds. Any Server which once queries this Record will query it again after this time interval. The ideal TTL is 86400, which is 1 day. It can not be set to less than 14400, i.e., 4 hours.
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