cPanel [YouTube tutorials]
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FTP nastavitve in prenos
Administracija MySQL zbirke podatkov
Članki v tej kategoriji so trenutno na voljo samo v angleškem jeziku. V kolikor imate...
Gostovanje ::: 001. Prijava v cPanelcPanel is used for managing your web hosting account and available on all Linux hosting plans,...
Gostovanje ::: 002. Varna prijava v cPanelHow do I use shared SSL to access cPanel ? Use https and our IP address, followed by the secure...
Gostovanje ::: 003. cPanel PriročnikThese are great resources we hope will help: Video Tutorials by cPanelOfficial cPanel User Manual
Gostovanje ::: 004. cPanel Video podporaWe have set up step-by-step movies on how to do nearly everything with your account. cPanel X3...
Gostovanje ::: 005. Kaj je dodatna domenaAn addon domain is a fully functional domain that can be created from within your control panel....
Gostovanje ::: 006. Pred nastavitvijo dodatne domeneAddon Domains are handled like subdomains as far as the server is concerned, but to the outside...
Gostovanje ::: 007. Kreiranje in brisanje dodatne domeneAn addon domain is a secondary domain hosted on a cPanel account. Addon domains typically have...
Gostovanje ::: 008. Korenska pot do dodatne domeneThe path is public_html/ and can be accessed via File Manager or FTP. Please...
Gostovanje ::: 009. Direktorij za mojo dodatno domeno izven public_htmlThe cPanel X3 theme will allow you to specify a path outside of public_html. If you do not see...
Gostovanje ::: 010. Napaka pri dodajanju dodatnih domen: domainadmin-domainexistsglobalHave you seen an error such as "domainadmin-domainexistsglobal" when you attempted to add a...
Gostovanje ::: 011. Pri krerianju dodatne domene, ustvarjena tudi poddomenaHelp! I added an addon domain, but cPanel said a subdomain has been created. Please ignore this!...
Gostovanje ::: 012. Dodajanje druge domene v obstoječi račun za gostovanjePlease remember that a CP-XS plan cannot add a second domain for hosting. Any other plans allow...
Gostovanje ::: 013. Kaj je poddomena, kreiranje in brisanje le-teIt is not always necessary to register a new domain name when the one you already own will work...
Gostovanje ::: 014. Pred nastavitvijo poddomeneWe do have a video tutorial which will show you how to create a subdomain in cPanel. Watch Video...
Gostovanje ::: 015. Presumeritev poddomene na drugo stranYou might want your sub domain to redirect to another page. To accomplish this, please do the...
Gostovanje ::: 016. Prenos datotek za dodatno domeno ali poddomenoOption 1 In a FTP client enter this information. Host = add on domain nameUser =...
Gostovanje ::: 017. Kaj je parkirana domena, kreiranje/brisanjeParked domains are additional domains which you host on your account. They will display the same...
Gostovanje ::: 018. Parkiranje domene na dodatno domenocPanel has yet to offer this option although it can be done. In order to park a domain on top of...
Gostovanje ::: 019. Strošek za parkiranja domeneAs long as you have any of our plans, you may park domains to your existing primary domain's...
Gostovanje ::: 020. Razlika med parkirano domeno, dodatno domeno in poddomenoA subdomain is a second website, with its own unique content, but there is no new domain name....
Gostovanje ::: 021. Nastavitev presumeritve URL naslovaWARNING: Never create a redirect for to or from to...
Gostovanje ::: 022. Pod naslovom domene se prikazuje reklamna stranIf you recently changed your IP address (i.e. you bought an SSL certificate), then you must...
Gostovanje ::: 023. Krerianje/brisanje MySQL zbirke podatkov in uporabnikovYour cPanel allows you to easily create a MySQL database, create database users, and assign...
Gostovanje ::: 024. Povezava z MySQL zbirko podatkov1. Configuration Settings: Host name = localhost (literally put localhost)Database name =...
Gostovanje ::: 025. Uvoz MySQL zbirke podatkovHow can I import a database? Go to phpMyAdmin Click the new database name in the top left...
Gostovanje ::: 026. Povezava z MySQL bazo podatkov na daljavoNote: If connecting from your home computer, you need a MySQL client like Navicat, phpMyAdmin, or...
Gostovanje ::: 027. Kako postaviti vaš IP na belo listo za oddaljen dostop do MySQLThis tutorial will show you how to whitelist your IP to allow remote MySQL connections for Shared...
Gostovanje ::: 028. Varnostna kopija in obnova MySQL zbirke podatkovIf you run a database driven website, it is important to backup your databases, periodically. You...
Gostovanje ::: 029. Kopiranje celotne zbirke podatkov, preimenovanjeYou will need to export the original database, and import to a new database. How to...
Gostovanje ::: 030. Omejitve kvot pri MySQL zbirki podatkovThere is no limit for the size of databases. MySQL is only limited to the size of your cPanel's...
Gostovanje ::: 031. Popravilo pokvarjene zbirke podatkovMySQL queries or tables stop working If you get an error which says, "so-and-so is marked as...
Gostovanje ::: 032. Izgubljeno geslo za zbirko podatkovForgot your database's password? You must create a new user with a new password. Do not worry,...
Gostovanje ::: 033. phpMyAdmin in njegova uporabaManaging Your Database Using phpMyAdmin phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP to handle the...
Gostovanje ::: 034. Sprememba gesla za cPanel računThere may be times where you would like to change the password of your account. It is recommended...
Gostovanje ::: 035. Vpliv spremembe cPanel gesla na druga geslaThe main username and password are the same for cPanel login, FTP login, and MySQL database...
Gostovanje ::: 036. Zaščita direktorija z geslomYou can password protect directories (folders) via the cPanel control panel, which protects all...
Gostovanje ::: 037. Zaščita posamezne datoteke z geslomThis is an advanced design tutorial. If you are a beginner, we recommend using the cPanel...
Gostovanje ::: 038. Neuspešna prijava v cPanel, WHM ali spletno poštoMost networks have a firewall setup to block access to the ports required for cPanel, WHM, and...
Gostovanje ::: 039. Sprememba uporabniškega imena za cPanel računShared Unfortunately, you may not change the user name associated with your control panel. Once...
Gostovanje ::: 040. Sprememba sloga v cPanelDon't like our cPanel style. Don't worry you won't hurt our feelings. This video shows you how...
Gostovanje ::: 041. Proxy dostop za cPanel, WHM in spletno poštoWith your Linux Shared Hosting accounts, you have access to a control panel that contains the...
Gostovanje ::: 042. public_html direktorij in njegova uporabaThe public_html folder is the web root for your primary domain name. This means that public_html...
Gostovanje ::: 043. Korenski direktorij in njegova uporabaThe document root is the folder where you keep website files for a domain name. Since cPanel...
Gostovanje ::: 044. Skrite datotekeHidden file and folder names start with a dot. Examples:...
Gostovanje ::: 045. Po nesreči izbrisan public_html ali www direktorijIf you delete the www folder, your site should still load properly. If you delete the...
Gostovanje ::: 046. Sprememba primarne domeneWe can no longer change the document root for your main (primary) domain. This disables...
Gostovanje ::: 047. Upravljanje s File ManagerFile Manager is an quick and easy way to navigate through you files. To access File Manager:...
Gostovanje ::: 048. Prenos datotek z uporabo File ManagerYou may want to upload your files directly through cPanel. You can do this through the File...
Gostovanje ::: 049. Kreiranje/urejanje/brisanje dateteke z uporabo File ManagerThere may be times when you wish to create, edit, or delete a file or folder in your account. You...
Gostovanje ::: 050. Direktorij public_html je nenadoma prazenThere can be several reasons for why your files seem to have suddenly disappeared. Deleted...
Gostovanje ::: 051. Generiranje in prenos celovite varnostne kopijeA full backup is a backup of all of your files, e-mail, databases, etc. To run a full backup, you...
Gostovanje ::: 052. Izdelava varnostnih kopij, obnova/prenos le-teh v drug cPanel računHow can I restore my site with old/previous content? Please submit the restore form and we will...
Gostovanje ::: 053. Prenos varnostne kopije domačega direktorijaBackups are very important part of maintaining a website. It is important to backup your files on...
Gostovanje ::: 054. Vrste datotek varnostnih kopij v cPanelSo, you have a backup file, but you need to know what type of backup it is so you can know what...
Gostovanje ::: 055. Prilagoditev strani o napakiBefore you read this article, why not watch the movie tutorial instead? To create a custom error...
Gostovanje ::: 056. Interna napaka na strežniku, 500Internal server errors can be caused by a few different things. Please check the Error Logs in...
Gostovanje ::: 057. Pomen kod na straneh o napakahWhat are Error Codes? These numbered error codes are how the server tells website visitors about...
Gostovanje ::: 058. Park Wrapper napakaWhen trying to add an addon domain, or parked domain, you might run across a 'Park Wrapper...
Gostovanje ::: 059. Neveljavna maildirsize napakaHow to fix the error "invalid maildirsize": Login to your server via FTP or File Manager. Go...
Gostovanje ::: 060. Apache logi o napakahWhen you check the error logs, you can see many things. ::: Some things you can ignore: File...
Gostovanje ::: 061. Neobdelani dnevniki dostopaRaw Access Logs allow you to see who has accessed your site without the use of graphs, charts or...
Gostovanje ::: 062. Dostop do Web Disk in WebDavWeb disk (also known as WebDAV) is a drag-and-drop interface which allows you to access your...
Gostovanje ::: 063. WordPress Super Cache vtičnikWP Super Cache is a plugin for WordPress that generates static HTML pages from your dynamic...
Gostovanje ::: 064. Uporaba GZipWe support sending gzip files, or gunziping/gzipping files on the shared server. This is not the...
Gostovanje ::: 065. Index upraviteljIf a directory on a site does not contain an index file, it default behavior is that it will...
Gostovanje ::: 066. Image Manager in njegova uporabaThe Image Manager allows you to view and modify images in your account. You can change the size...
Gostovanje ::: 067. Agora CartAgora Cart is no longer available in cPanel. Instead, you can download the installation...
Gostovanje ::: 068. PhpMyChatPHPChat is a script that was available through cPAddon, in cPanel. Unfortunately, cPAddons are...
Gostovanje ::: 069. Cron opravilo in njegova uporabaA cron job is a Linux command for scheduling a task to be executed sometime in the future. This...
Gostovanje ::: 070. Nastavitve Cron opravilCommand lines. Examples only! PHP • Command to run a PHP5 cron job:php...
Gostovanje ::: 071. Nastavitev in brisanje Cron opravilaCron Jobs run scheduled tasks at specific times. This is good to set up automated maintenance and...
Gostovanje ::: 072. Fantastico in njegova uporabaFantastico De Luxe is the leading auto installer for cPanel servers. With more than 10,000...
Gostovanje ::: 073. Namestitev skripte preko FantasticoFantastico is a great addition to cPanel, which allows users to install the great open source...
Gostovanje ::: 074. Brisanje skripte preko FantasticoThere may be a time when you would like to remove a script which was installed through Fantastico...
Gostovanje ::: 075. Pregled vseh skript, ki so na voljo preko FantasticoTo view all the scripts offered inside Fantastico, including each version and support links,...
Gostovanje ::: 076. QuickInstall in njegova uporabaQuickInstall, our in-house script auto-installer, is functioning on all shared and reseller...
Gostovanje ::: 077. Posodobitve skript preko QuickInstallSo, you want to update to the newest version of your program. Let's use WordPress in our...
Gostovanje ::: 078. Posodobitev skripte preko QuickInstall, ki ni bila original nameščena preko QuickInstallNo, your existing installation cannot be integrated with QuickInstall (nor Fantastico). However,...
Gostovanje ::: 079. CGI centerThe CGI Scripts icon is NO LONGER available to use. We apologize for the inconvenience, as cPanel...
Gostovanje ::: 080. CGI skripte ne delujejoFirst, make sure the script files are in the cgi-bin folder. Second, make sure the file...
Gostovanje ::: 081. Onemogočanje anonimnega FTP-jaWe do not recommend using Anonymous FTP as it is a security risk. (Because it allows any person...
Gostovanje ::: 082. public_ftp direktorijThe public_ftp folder is used for storing files which are available with anonymous FTP....
Gostovanje ::: 083. Pregled AWStats statistike preko cPanelWhen you have a website online, you may want to check on how many people are coming to your...
Gostovanje ::: 084. Statistika dosegljiva javnostiCan I make my web statistics public, or viewable by another person? We can create a symlink for...
Gostovanje ::: 085. Zadnji obiskovalciYou will find an icon for this in cPanel, under the Logs section. This function will show the...
Gostovanje ::: 086. Mail direktorijWe use a maildir system, which means that all your email boxes and messages are stored as files...
Gostovanje ::: 087. Ikona za spletno poštoYou can check the webmail for any account by logging into with the full...
Gostovanje ::: 088. Nastavitve za spletno poštoHow to log into webmailOnce logged into webmail, you will have several options available for the...
Gostovanje ::: 089. Nastavitev e-pošte: lokalna, varnostna, na daljavoThis is a setting that we tell how to handle your incoming emails. We recommend using...
Gostovanje ::: 090. Omejitev dostopa za določen IPDo you want to stop someone from visiting your website? This tool will block anyone from a...
Gostovanje ::: 091. Kreiranje črne listeYou may use Spam Assassin to stop (blacklist) someone from emailing you. Here is a video...
Gostovanje ::: 092. Pregled porabe kvote prostoraNote: Your control panel may look slightly different depending on the theme you are using,...
Gostovanje ::: 093. Nepravilen prikaz kvote prostora in ostalih informacij v cPanelYour cPanel keeps disk space usage for your entire account, email accounts, databases, and other...
Gostovanje ::: 094. PHP nastavitve, ki jih ni mogoče spremenitiShared and reseller hosting are shared environments and have certain limits on what you can...
Gostovanje ::: 095. Apache Handlers, zagon html kot phpApache handlers allow you to control what Apache will do with certain file types. When Apache...
Gostovanje ::: 096. Spreminjanje pravic (chmod) za datotekoPermissions can be very important when it comes to hosting your website. Permissions can allow...
Gostovanje ::: 097. Vklop/izklop hotlink zaščiteHot link protection prevents other websites from directly linking to files and pictures on your...
Gostovanje ::: 098. Sprememba DNS zapisov (MX, CNAME, in A zapisi)Shared: With cPanel 11.25, you now have access to make some of these changes. Note: This effect...
Gostovanje ::: 099. Brezplačna SEO orodjaTo help our customers succeed online, we've included a powerful set of tools in your website...
Gostovanje ::: 100. Favicon in njegova uporabaThe favicon is the favorite icon, used in your browser favorites and bookmarks. You can also see...
Gostovanje ::: 101. Z-push sinhronizacijaZ-Push is an open source activesync protocol that allows users to sync contacts and calendars to...
Gostovanje ::: 102. htaccess dolge vrsticeSometimes when you edit the .htaccess file in cPanel, the lines must wrap and this causes a line...
Gostovanje ::: 103. Pravilni MIME vzorciMime types tell browsers how to handle specific extensions. For example, the text/html mime type...
Gostovanje ::: 104. GnuPG ključiGnuPG is a publicly available encryption scheme that uses the "public key" approach. With GnuPG,...
Gostovanje ::: 105. Uporaba mrežnih orodij preko cPanelOne of the most useful tools in cPanel that is often overlooked is the Network Tools function....