

 00. WHM Gostovanje ::: Obvestilo

Članki v tej kategoriji so trenutno na voljo samo v angleškem jeziku. V kolikor imate...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 01. Kako se prijavim v Web Host Manager (WHM)?

When you signed up for web hosting, the link to your WHM login page, and your username and...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 02. Upravljanje z DNS zapisi

You can find this in WHM under DNS Functions. This area is for advanced users only, so please...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 03. Kako kreiram cPanel račun za gostovanje?

Before you can create a new account, you must create a package in WHM. Once the package is...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 04. WHM za partnerje (Reseller)

We provide all resellers with a limited WHM. These limits help us control what actions the...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 05. Kaj je paket za gostovanje?

A package is collection of predefined specifications which define what a user or domain may have...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 06. Kako se kaj naredi v WHM?

We have movies set up to walk you through almost everything in the WHM. Movie tutorial: WHM...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 07. Kako omejiti ikone v cPanel preko Feature Manager

The feature manager allows you to disable/enable icons inside of each client's cPanel. Once you...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 08. Urejanje DNS Zone predloge

Advanced: This feature of WHM allows you to apply a set of default DNS records everytime you...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 09. WHM e-pošta za kontakte

WHM notices about changes to a cPanelJust go to WHM, List Accounts. You can update the contact...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 10. Prilagoditev strani z uporabo logotipa

This feature allows reseller and dedicated owners to brand your cPanel. This means you can create...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 11. Oprostite, DNS vnos že obstaja

When trying to add a new domain in WHM, you may get an error like this: Account Creation Status:...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 12. WHM Priročnik

These are great resources we hope will help: Video Tutorial: Learn WHM Video...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 13. Napaka: Vaš gostitelj se ne odziva na IP naslov

If the DNS for your hostname is not set up correctly, you may get an email saying something...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 14. Eden od računov presega kvoto prometa

Note: Ensure you have first upgraded the site to a package that suits its needs.  Still...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 15. Suspendiranje/Aktiviranje računov

Instead of reading this, you can watch the movie tutorial. You can find this in WHM under...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 16. Povečanje kvote prostora

To increase your client's disk space, please go to WHM > Account Information > List...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 17. Kaj je WHM (Web Host Manager)?

Web Host Manager, or WHM, is a powerful program that allows administrative access to the back end...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 18. WHM Center za podporo

You can submit a support request to the cPanel customer service team through the support center....

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 19. SEO dodeli različne IP naslove

SEO users: You may have noticed when you create a new account, each new cPanel has the same IP as...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 20. Generiranje ključa za oddaljen dostop (Remote Access Key)

A Remote Access Key is used for automatic account creation scripts, external billing software,...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 21. Skeletni imenik

In WHM, this page tells you the location of the folder where you can place files for your...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 22. Določitev cPanel predlog, ki bodo na izbiro strankam

You can choose which themes are available to your clients. The instructions below illustrate how...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 23. Kako ponastaviti geslo za stranko?

Instead of reading this, you can watch the movie tutorial. Go to WHM and click Password...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 24. Sprememba paketa, vendar nove nastavitve niso vidne

Editing a hosting package may not edit the sites that are already on the package. To get your...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 25. Sprememba računa

The Modify an Account link in WHM can be used to update a cPanel account which you already...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 26. Interaktivna baza znanja

The Interactive Knowledgebase enables you to find solutions to many common problems you may...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 27. Prilagoditev strani o začasni ukinitvi računa

This allows you to control what page is displayed when you suspend your own clients. You must go...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 28. Resetiranje nakupovalne košarice

This feature will allow you to reset a client's shopping cart if it is not functioning properly....

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 29. Sprememba paketov ni mogoča zaradi preseženih resoursov

When a reseller grants too much disk space or bandwidth to all his clients, we say you are "over...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 30. Kako preko WHM preveriti informacije strežnika in status storitev

This tutorial will show you how to check the server status of various services and find other...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 31. Vnos/sprememba cPanel/WHM novic

This feature in WHM will allow a reseller to send a message which will appear on all clients'...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 32. Nadgradnja kvote prometa ali prostora za vse pakete

I edited a hosting package. Why aren't my sites showing up with the new stats? Whenever you...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 33. Dodal sem nekaj v cPanel, vendar tam to ni razvidno.

Login to your cPanel account and look at the left hand menu. It will list the account stats, what...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 34. Razlika med WHM in cPanel.

This video tutorial demonstrates various differences between cPanel and WHM. It will also...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 35. Določanje kvote prometa

This video tutorial will show you how you can limit or extend the bandwidth quota for any of...

 WHM Gostovanje ::: 36. Določanje kvote prostora

This video tutorial will demonstrate how easy it is to adjust the disk space quota for any...