WHM Gostovanje ::: 18. WHM Center za podporo

You can submit a support request to the cPanel customer service team through the support center. There are several alternate forms of help you may wish peruse before you submit a support request:

  • cPanel and WHM FAQ - Please use the online search facility in the online FAQ to see if your problem is listed.
  • Support Forums - Search through the archives or ask a question at the cPanel support forums.
  • Documentation - Please check the online cPanel and WebHost Manager documentation for help.

Note: cPanel support will not be able to answer questions about installing third party software (ImageMagick, pdflib, etc.).


  1. To access the Support Menu, click on Support, on the main screen of your WebHost Manager interface.
  2. Click on Support Center.
  3. Click on one or more of the available links. If you need to contact cPanel directly, click on the Contact cPanel.net link.
  4. Enter your name, email address, phone number, IP address, and cPanel version/build of your server in the Your Name, Your Email Address, Call Back # fields, IP Address of Server, and cPanel version/build fields.
  5. Enter a brief, one line description of your problem in the Brief Description of Problem field.
  6. Enter the name of the distributor from which you obtained a software license in the Distributor/Partner NOC Name field.
  7. Enter a detailed description of the problem in the Detailed Problem Description field. Add as much detail as you can about the problem. You should include here, any and all parts of the software that are affected, any changes you have made to the server recently, what you are trying to accomplish, and any other information you feel may help the technical support representative to better assist you.
  8. To the best of your ability, enter each action required to reproduce the problem in the Steps to Reproduce the Problem field.
  9. Click on Send Request.
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