WHM Gostovanje ::: 02. Upravljanje z DNS zapisi

You can find this in WHM under DNS Functions. This area is for advanced users only, so please feel welcome to request any DNS zone changes from our administrators.

Note: MX records will require your domain to be on a special remote server list. Please request all MX record changes from our administrators.

Here is some information to help you understand DNS zones:

  • Your name servers' job is to find the server and correct DNS zone in order to get the following information.
  • The A record points your domain or subdomain to an ip address. (e.g. mydomain.com -> ip address)
  • The CNAME record points your domain or sudomain to another domain name, like www and mail. (e.g. www.domain.com -> domain.com)
  • The MX records control where your emails are received. If you want your mail hosted on another server, then this is what you will need to change. (e.g. domain.com -> server.ext)
  • The NS records in the DNS zone must match the nameservers you are using.



How to change the NS records when using private nameservers (Reseller only).

  • Login to WHM.
  • Under DNS Functions, click Edit DNS Zone.
  • Select your domain name from the list and click the Edit button.
  • Look to the right of "SOA" and replace the nameserver with your primary private name server (ns1, be sure to include the trailing dot).
  • Look to the right of "NS" and replace each nameserver with your private name servers (ns1 and ns2, be sure to include each trailing dot).
  • Scroll down and click the Save button.


Movie tutorial: Managing DNS

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